Product Data: Manage and Transform Product Properties

Within this article you will find information regarding the product data section of the app and how to navigate its property capabilities.

Enrichment is fundamental in maximizing the functionality of your data feeds, and will allow you to address gaps in product data. This involves introducing new properties and refining existing information to make it more accessible and user-friendly.

Adding properties is essential for effectively mapping a feed and aligning incoming data with your system. While system properties are available, creating custom properties is often necessary to accurately match source fields.

Adding a Property

  1. Go to Crobox App, navigate to Product Data and select Properties.

General properties (for example, product ID, price, stock, etc.) are automatically populated within the app. You will be able to connect these general properties when setting up your Product Feeds.

  1. Click on Add Property and configure the following settings:

    • Category: Select the relevant category from the drop down menu. This is only relevant if you have created Property Categories.

    • Property Name: Edit the name of your Property.

    • Property Key: The Crobox app generates a relevant key corresponding to the property name when added, but you can modify this if you’d like. It should be short, simple, and unique per property.

    • Value Type: This should be selected based on the data relating to your property. See below the meaning of each type of value to decide where you should use it. The app will interpret your data and suggest the most appropriate value type (if the data is already mapped to the property).

      • String: Used for data sets that are generally represented and stored as qualitative text.

      • List: Used for an array or collection of data and to organize and manage data elements in a sequential manner.

      • Boolean: Used to represent two possible states, true or false.

      • Number: Used for data sets that are numerical data and stored as quantitative value.

      • Datetime: Used to add a timestamp in-app to relevant products. For example, adding a datetime property could be used to run campaigns to showcase new releases.

    • Target Level: Select if the property is relevant to the product or variant product.

    • Select the relevant toggles if applicable:

      • A product can have multiple values

      • A product must have a value

      • Lock being edited in the app

The Validation field can remain empty. If you would like to explore incorporating validation rules to your property, please contact your Account Manager.

  1. Select Save and the top right of the screen to save your property settings.

You are able to view, edit and categorize your properties in the properties overview page, Crobox App > Product Data > Properties.

Alternatively in the product catalog, Crobox App > Product Data > Catalog, you can view configured properties by selecting Settings > Manage Columns and selecting the intended property to display alongside the products.

Adding a Transformation Rule

Transformation rules allow you to divide and categorize information based on various data types and conditions. Using transformation rules you can create new properties and improve existing ones, by manipulating product data coming in from your product feed. You can then use these transformed properties within Crobox experiences (Product Finder questions, Campaign filters, etc), which helps with humanizing different data points and aligning with consumer preferences.

Transformation rules are versatile and can be used for various properties to enhance the user's guided journey through your e-commerce business. Follow these steps to create and apply transformation rules, we have used an example use case to demonstrate adding a transformation rule.

Example Use case

For instance, you can create rules for capacity properties based on household sizes, aligning with data from your feed. These rules directly correspond to inquiries within the product finder, recommending products based on consumer preferences.

Background for the use case:

  • The company sells Coffee Machines and Blenders.

  • The original property ‘capacity’ will be used to create 'household capacity size' through a transformation rule. This can be viewed in the product catalog or within the properties section of the app.

  • Blenders have a 'capacity' property (measured in liters).

  • The purpose of the 'Household Capacity Size' property is:

    • It allows viewing the 'capacity' attribute in relation to household size.

    • Helps find a blender that meets the needs of different family sizes.

This example uses a specific example to show how transformation rules can be used within the app. Transformation rules are not limited to one category and can be used for a variety of different properties to enhance the user's guided journey through your ecommerce business.

  1. Create a new property, e.g., Capacity Household Size, and select the relevant category, such as Blenders.

  1. Apply the value type (e.g., List) and define segmentation options (e.g., Single/Couple, Small Family, Large Family).

  1. Save the property settings, then navigate to the Transformation Rules tab.

  2. Create a new transformation rule for each segment, setting conditions and values accordingly.

  1. Save the transformation rules, re-index the data in the product catalog, and rerun the feeds if necessary to update the enriched properties. You can then view your updates within the product catalog and begin using your transformed property in other Crobox experiences.

Last updated